www.celinenebor.com, credit photo
2020 the most challenging and rewarding year
In 2019, back in Vancity, after a few months volunteering, teaching classes for non-profit organizations, I was determined to start my life again in Vancouver with the best plan, teaching with devotion as many classes as possible. In February 2020, my first classes started, after 10 years of teaching experience, I was meant to be successful. With contrasting experience, learning from the past, moving from place to place to find my inner path, I knew that this time I will create the perfect space for my students to learn, grow, and accomplish their own dreams. Despite many obstacles on my way, during the year, I went beyond and above the dream-able possible. After lots of work, I offered several free events with all the subsequent restrictions. Well, I reached my goal of the year : more than 13 classes per week, amongst them therapeutic, restorative, and traditional classes. Creativity and devotion were my ally, and I aim to continue and offer the best teaching to the future students and the new Yoga teacher generation. Once you start teaching yoga, if that’s your destiny, you will never give up, it feels like a river of joy!
Hare OM!