Founder: Mandana Anahita, 2021-

Experienced Registered Yoga teacher, Iyengar-based style since 2010


"Be steadfast in Yoga, perform your duty, and abandon all attachment to success or failure.....such evenness of mind is called Yoga.

Bhagavad Gita


About Nangpa Yatra Yoga

Inspired deeply by Mr. Iyengar Ji 's yoga style.

Based on postural alignment and pranayama technique, Iyengar Yoga offers the opportunity to challenge the mind and restore the body.

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About Mandana

My goal is to embrace time and patience in my personal practice.

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"The essence of Yoga is a calling for humility, strong mind, and a sense of purity. Purity not at a physical level literally, but at a heart-mind level, and indeed , it will contribute eventually to abolish slowly duality at a physical level."

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Classes and Workshops

The Iyengar approach is to teach mindfully, taking into account individual backgrounds and differences in physical ability.

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